The Sight is Right

On a recent visit to watch the Seniors at the Crucible, I came across an exhibition in the foyer of an ingenious snooker contraption called the "Q Board “. Designed to be used at home, the folding board is compact and its main purpose is to help players achieve a perfect straight cue action. Measuring only 8 feet long by 1 foot wide, the table mimics the snooker environment, using a cue platform over baize. The cue is then placed on the platform and the player places the cue ball on the table's line to pot the ball into the pocket at the other end of the table. Supplied additionally with a red and black ball and a fold down chalk holder, this really is an innovative way of improving your cue action especially if you having problems sighting and aiming when taking a shot.

This board would suit someone who has little time to go and practice in a club and makes the experience greatly improve when they next do. the main downfall of any player, amateur or professional is their stance and cue arm action. As snooker works on mathematic angles on the table so it similarly applies to the prejudgment actions needed to position your legs and body, keep your head at the required angle, keep body movement to a minimum and move the cue in a straight line before and as the cue makes contact with the cue ball. Only then will the trajectory of the white will remain the same when reaches the object ball and has a high percentage chance of going into the intended pocket.

However as we know many hazards can ensue when a shot is taken, the dreaded "kick" can occur, causing the cue ball and the object balls to jump off the bed of the baize and so the required angle of the shot is changed, meaning that nominated red or colour misses the pocket or refuses to pass through the jaws of the pocket to the netting bag beneath. Many theories exist of why a kick occurs, possibly due to chalk dust picked up from the cue, puffs of dust that land on the green baize when a shot is taken and humidity levels in the room environment depending on in which country the game is played and the weather conditions outside.

The "Q Board” will be a popular buy and from engagement seen at Sheffield, there were plenty of takers who wanted to have a go or just wanted advice of how to improve their game. this is a wonderful learning tool and would make a great stocking filler, remember to buy a larger stocking to contain it or a surprise birthday present. It is unique because it can folded away and placed behind a door or in a spare room and takes up little space when used. what more can someone ask for and especially when next week you could be scoring a century break or more at your local club!


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