What went Ron?

With Ronnie picking up another trophy last night and taking the number one spot, players must be breathing a sigh of relief that O’Sullivan has signalled that he won’t enter the China Open in April. However in his post interview, he said he did want to be on the Seniors tour, was he being serious or was this just another of his media headlines? Whatever the real reason, Seniors should be wary because this may be another of Ronnie’s plans to dominate both fields. Gone will be the days when Jimmy White breezes into glory and former players will have to practice to play well.

Ronnie has set a standard of play that few even in the top 8 can cope with. Ronnie said last night he was playing an average game and won by pouncing on Robertson’s mistakes. O’Sullivan has had many victims as a result of his style of play and few have managed to come back and beat him. Judd Trump will need to do exceptionally well in China to stand any chance of getting his revenge on O’Sullivan.

Most people know my views on Ronnie but I strongly believe that this player is the greatest risk to the sport that any prevalent player has ever posed. Reardon, Davis and Hendry seem flickers of a shadow compared to the man who has got back to the number one spot on entering 10 of the 20 tournament events. Selby seemed infallible for multiple seasons but extremely poor form has chipped away at his ranking points and left him on the snooker lay-by, trying to thumb a lift.

O’Sullivan is now 43 but shows no signs of slowing down. His all round game is immaculate with only a slight weakness in his long ball game. He has matched Hendry’s, 36, career titles and is the oldest player since Ray Reardon in 1983, to hold the number one ranking. These pose devastating statistics for other players. They have to regain their killer instinct or we may looking at the possibility of  Ronnie achieving 2000 career centuries at the age of 50.

World Snooker has to treat O’Sullivan with kid gloves because he is volatile. He had to play events on his terms and conditions With this comes large viewing figures, the Coral Tour Championship final had 1.240,000 viewers last night and this was on ITV4! Ronnie puts bums on seats and brings in ticketing revenue so the balancing act of Ronnie’s alter egos is a constant battle.Fine him or let him run his course? The Ronnie Show is fallible but will need a rejuvenated or new player to dilute it and stop it in its tracks.


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