Jekyll and Hyde, the two faces of Ronnie O’Sullivan

Ronnie O’Sullivan may be a genius on the table but off it the man is volatile. His constant media outbursts may be in his mind a bit of fun to gain a headline but I believe they are extremely damaging for snooker. His victory last night against Barry Hawkins triggered him to go on a media bender, first rubbishing the organisation of the sport in his post couch, ITV interview. He claimed that the only decent venues on the circuit were Preston and Sheffield, describing the rest as either aeroplane hangers or sports halls. He also said that John Higgins would not be ready for his match this week as he hadn’t got back from India yet and should be given five days off to rest. The ITV team were clearly shocked and didn’t know whether to laugh or cringe.

Following this car crash interview, Ronnie went in for seconds when given his one to one interview. The interviewer started to ask him questions to which he answered every single one in an Australian accent. Even when he was asked about what to watch on Netflix, Ronnie continued with his accent ramble.

This of course hasn’t been the first and probably won’t be the last time that O’Sullivan acts in this strange manner but he does seems to given free reign. In my opinion, he should be heavily fined for his outbursts and maybe then and only then will he learn a painful and expensive lesson. Many of these outbursts happen on ITV4, largely because Ronnie doesn’t like the format and probably the fact that Eurosport are not covering so he can be a pundit on his days off or if he loses.

Ronnie already has the choice like any player of which tournaments he wishes to enter, which is very few and then complains that he doesn’t have enough ranking points. Ronnie, you really need to wake up and smell the coffee because so many players aspire to play to your level of snooker but this one adopts a “don’t care” attitude. Rather than dedicating his talent to the game, Ronnie chooses the limelight over the baize, either calling the 127 players numpties or saying he is off to set up his own breakaway tour or play pool in Las Vegas. Unfortunately as long as Ronnie keeps up this chirade, I will dislike you and so implore you to change your ways.


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