A Q&A with Elliott Slessor

Elliott Slessor is one of the new guard of players to enter the main tour. Qualifying to the tour from the infamous Q School, Elliot first started playing snooker at the age of 8 when his Grandfather bought him a snooker table. Slessor has been nipping at the heels of the top players for some time and has had great wins over Mark Williams and Ronnie O’Sullivan. A lad to watch out for and a future top 16 player for sure. I caught up with him and asked him a few questions.

Why snooker?

I got a table for Christmas and loved it and kind of never knew anything else so from there I watched it on tv constantly and couldn’t wait to go on a full size table.

Who is your favourite player?

I grew up watching Ronnie and Higgins, going toe to toe in most competitions and could never pick my favourite to be honest, usually the one that was winning.

What is your highest break?

My highest break is 147. I got my first when ai had just turned 16.

Do you believe in “burnout “?

It’s a hard one really. I do believe it will affect you if you’ve been going from tournament to tournament all season and making the latter stages of most competitions but I do think it helps if you are physically and mentally fit. I think the biggest concern is the player’s shoulders, back and neck. I’ve had injuries myself and know of quite a few other players on the tour getting pain as well. Obviously being on a plane for many hours and quite often won’t help the body neither.

What is your favourite snooker venue to play at?

Most would say the Crucible for obvious reasons but sadly I haven’t qualified for that yet. Going on my own basis, I would say the China Open in Beijing.

Do you prefer to play in the best of 7 or 11 matches?

The longer the match the more I would prefer to be honest, there is no time to really enjoy the match. So the longer the game, the more I prefer honesty.

Do you ever get fed up with travelling?

Being honest, yes I hate it but I know it needs to be done and am grateful to be in the position that I am in. Coming from when I used to work in a casino till all hours in the morning for barely liveable money to being able to have the opportunity to make millions, you have to be grateful.

What is your theory on a “kick” in snooker?

I’m not too sure to be honest. I just know I used to get a fair amount of them, ha, ha, the man to ask is Shaun Murphy. He’s done a lot of research into that aspect of the game.

Do you use the new Taom, Finish, chalk?

Yeah I use the chalk and was one of the first to do so because it is phenomenal. I can’t remember my last kick. I would recommend to anybody serious about the game, you need it.

If there is one thing you could improve in your game, what would it be?

Being honest, I would have to say my scoring which is weird as I’ve scored heavily this season bu overall if you want to do something in this game in this era, it’s all about taking your chances in one visit.

Thanks to Elliot for taking time to answer my questions.


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