A Q&A with Colin Phillips, a snooker events organiser.

I have been a friend of Colin’s for several years and first met him at the Masters. Living in Kent, Colin tirelessly organises snooker exhibitions involving past and current players. I recently met up with him in his home town of Faversham and watched the man in action, a charity event involving Joe Johnson and Tony Knowles.

What made you start organising snooker events?

Organising I'd say because of a snooker background i have and my uncle running a club back in the late 90s and love for the game since i was 12 years old.

What do you do outside snooker as a job?

Outside of snooker i run a early morning coffee shop at a railway station in Kent.

How long have you been organising snooker exhibitions?

I've been organising events for nearly 4 years now and mostly working with my good pal legend Jimmy White.

Colin, tell me about the Faversham Club?

Faversham Club has been there since 1884 and is a very old traditional club with amazing fearutes and the two snooker tables have been there ever since.Its a club that's very relaxed with old school membership ers there today that are very kind and look after the club very well.

What events have you got coming up?

Events i have coming up are Mark Williams in Tunbridge wells 1st March then Mark Williams 2nd march in Brighton then Jimmy White in Gravesend on 29th March, then Jimmy White on the 5th April in Sittingbourne, then Ken Doherty in Eastbourne on 1st June.

How do you find time to organise with a busy work and home life?

I never find time lol but somehow i manage to fit it all in around my busy life working and being married with 3 young children.It amazes me sometimes how i do it. I suppose i just get on with it as im very dedicated in what i do.

What is your ultimate dream in snooker?

My dream i suppose is to become a professional snooker MC in the snooker world with some different sports involved but 2 years be working with the snooker family as snooker is in my heart.

What is your highest break?

My highest break was when i was around 18 and i made a 89 in a club in South East 

Who is your favourite player?

Favourite player I would say is Jimmy White as i watched him from a young age and also us being friends and also Ronnie O'Sullivan as he is definitely 1 of my favourites as i believe he is the greatest player to pick up a cue and just love the style and the way he plays the game.

Many thanks to Colin Phillips for his time, contributions and  photographs.


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