The light at the end of the Table

Snooker has been living in the wilderness since the start of the Corona virus pandemic. However after a lengthy darkness, the sun is at last rising on televised snooker. With the government announcement that non contact sport can resume, The World Snooker Tour has made a bold step by dipping its toe in the water and holding The Championship League. Moving the venue to Milton Keynes, this tournament is a perfect way to kickstart the sport and bring some form of normality back to the green baize. This is a strange situation for snooker fans who haven’t heard the clink of snooker balls stop since the war years and the Gibraltar Open has shown that snooker can be successful even if an audience isn’t present behind closed doors. Stringent measures have of course had to be put in place to even get snooker out of a locked cupboard and this includes a self isolating bubble for players, mass testing for all involved and have to stay for the course of the event and in one hotel. Even the ...